New Code : Zoom Camera : you can unzoom the camera or zoom back or froze the camera for take nice picture of your chao, Use D-Pad up or down (+ or - for keyboard) for zoom/unzoom, d-pad left (* for keyboard) for froze the camera (for unfroze use the d-pad up or down (+ or - for keyboard)) now i remade this code for only keyboard user, happy life for everyone New Code : Use keyboard for change Item in BlackMarket : the most unfair part in the mod for keyboard user was that code worked only for controller user. More Sick Chao have been updated : The sick Cold and Running nose have been nerf Choose medal code have been updated : use the keyboard to set the medal to your chao that unlocked the medal in chao race
Fix the chao start in starlight lobby : the chao start are supposed to be shiny, not normal, this version fix this, if you already make a save your chao won't become a shiny